Workshops 2006

Below you find the proposals for 2006 that have been sent in so far.

Frank Grant
United Kingdom
Utilizing nature and the natural environment as a therapeutic metaphor to aid partial or full recovery from childhood trauma
This workshop will demonstrate with (full participation) how practitioners can use the natural environment as a metaphor to assist clients explore their inner self, emotions and feelings with a view to partially or fully recovering from some unresolved earlier trauma. (2-3 hour)

Working with sexually aggressive children and young people in an experiential educational way that aids behaviour change
This workshop explores the confusion many practitioners and members of the public have of what is 'normative sexualised behaviour', 'normal sexualised behaviour' and 'sexually aggressive and sexual abusive behaviour' between children and young people. It offers a model successfully used with children and young people utilising experiential education as a metaphor for adventure therapy input to aid behaviour change and recovery from their own unresolved childhood trauma. (1½ hour)
Jacek Skrzypczyñski
Learning Leadership through Experiential Education
An Adventure for Thought model. Will describe in detail our approach to helping young people become leaders as well as the activities used in this new program.Disscusion on leading similar programs in other organizations - and the needs of participants across the globe. (after the workshop)
Lesley Greenaway
United Kingdom
The Thriving Leader - one year on!
This is a follow-up workshop to the inquiry session that I started in Turkey 2005. It will serve as feedback to those who joined in last year, but it is especially open to others to learn about the thriving leader. This year I want to use the results from my research in a practical workshop in the outdoors for you to learn about yourself as a thriving leader, and how this idea might be useful in your work setting.
Jana Hinrichs
Bernd Rademächers
Enthusiastic Conference Opening Celebration, Thursday April 27 2006 at 17 o`clock. More or less 2 hours, with the possibility for latecomers to join at any given moment.
Title isn`t fixed yet but something like
"Once upon a time in Babylon or was it Lustin, Belgium?"
Bernd Kappeller
Tchouck ball
Presentation of tchouck ball. A moving and successful excercise to improve change processes.
(± 2 hours for max. 14 participants)
Tim Pearson
Hot Groups and Extreme Teams: how to create smarter groups faster
Explore ways to rapidly increase the speed of group bonding and team effectiveness using experiential activities. Brainstorm best practices. This workshop shares a year's worth of practical research and application since the question of 'how to create smarter groups faster' was posed at EEEurope 2005.
(1.5 hours)

"The Best of" 2006
Tap into the power of experiential group wisdom by discovering the best of what your peers are exploring. Practice "Offers and Requests". Leave with a bigger toolbox, a broader professional network, and a deeper appreciation of your peers.
(1.5 hours)
Adinda van de Giessen
Expressing yourselves big and unsubtle like a clown can help a great deal in acknowledging your own and other peoples experiences. You react usually from your heartfelt emotion, but magnify it for jokes sake. Having done that, makes it easier to cure your blind eye on your own experiences.
Irene Bews
From the Orkney Islands and beyond........the sky's the limit! Long term effects of experiential learning
Reflections on experiential learning from four young people, ten years on as they look back on how these learning experiences shaped/changed their lives for the future. Words and a powerpoint presentation by Irene Bews (Orkney Isles, Scotland) former Duke of Edinburgh's Award Leader/Development Officer.
Roger Greenaway
Making and Using Metaphor Maps
A Metaphor Map represents the territory through which the individual (or team) regularly travel. [See for examples] We will work with maps of very different scales and explore how these can be used before, during and after training programmes. Learners can create new and better routes and can even re-draw their own maps. The core idea is centuries old. How can we adapt and develop the idea in 2006? If you have a metaphor map of any kind, please bring it!
Nelson Trindade
Trap pedagogy model
2 short activities: a) hard work or clever work: outdoor, 15 minutes.
b) decision: yes or No: indoor, 15 minutes.
1 data show to think about the activities and about the model: 20 minutes.
Svetlana Kondakova
A communicative brain-teasing session, based on Istvan Banyai`s masterpiece, where participants will have to re-create the original book, working hard on putting the illustrations in order. Roger Greenaway kindly agreed to help in the discussion part.
number of participants - 8 and more; indoors or outdoors - depending on weather and group size.
Mihaly Kocsis
Dominoes and teambuilding
Dominoes are simple, very practical and useful tools that can be used for teambuilding purposes. The presentation consists of a series of games with dominoes selected to make up a development process. The wide range of games progresses gradually from simple games, such as: get-to-know-each-other, line-up, pair-up or group forming games, to more complex games based on teamwork, involving communication and cooperation, such as: building or observation games. There are also games for fun and debrief.
Number of participants: max. 28 people. Duration: 1-1,5 hours.
Meira Kober
Shira Shvartzun
The space ride
An interesting integration of "simple" activities set up as a management project. How simple yet challenging. Time frame: 45 minutes outdoor or indoor, 30 minutes discussion and ideas for implementation.
Participants: 15-20 people.
Guido Cremonesi
Gian Luca FerrarottiItaly
Flying paper buildings
Building huge aerostats in paper (about 3 mt high), with an internal iron cage for the fire, and make them fly in the sky, very very high (off course with a rope to pull them down at the end). For this activity we would need 3 time slots, in 3 different dates, maybe at the end of the day: the two 1 and ½ hour time slots will be used to build up the mongolfiere (in a room, with table) the third one, at the end, will be used for the flying. Those flying paper buildings are spectacular in the night, so we could use also them in the 'Illuminate the castle' night, with a great scenographic impact.
Jac Rongen
Wieger van Dalen
When to speak
In this workshop we will investigate the roles of the participants and workshopleaders. When should one speak, when is it better to keep silent?
The workshop consists of 5 movements. I A musical piece. II A conversation about the piece. III A short Socratic Dialogue on the previous two movements, led by Wieger. IV A review on Wiegers role, led by Jac. V Fifth movement.
Total duration 1.5 hour, max 9 participants.
Maurice Zorge
Golfballs: Revival
At the Brathay conference Jac and I introduced the activity "balls & pipes". For this conference I want to introduce, again a activity, this time with a single golfball. Was the ball & pipes game an activity with al lot of restrictions, this game has none, except for the golfball. For the rest, come out and play. For everyone who wants to get out of the box for about 2 hours.
Meira Kober
The Pyramid
This is a successful workshop that we have been running with Global companies in the past year.
Serving the purpose of community building (rather than “team building”), the workshop deals with two main issues:
Which type of behaviors promote/disturb reaching the organizational goals?
What is the “modus operande” of the organization in actualization of tasks, and to what extent does it serve the organizational interests?
Several groups perform tasks under an organizational target/goal.
The key to success depends on their ability to see the whole picture and overall goal; and the amount of support between the groups to promote the organization's objectives.

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