Workshop Help

What kind of workshop can I offer?

Workshops are given by participants. So, think about what you would like to share from your experiences, skills or knowledge, or what you would like to explore. Maybe you would like to lead a discussion on a certain subject, want to try out a new activity, or present a project of yours? You can get a sense of the range of workshops offered by looking at the 'previous conferences' pages.

What time is available?

The time slots for workshops are either 1½ or 3 hours. You may prefer to offer a shorter workshop of 30 or 45 minutes.

What help can I get?

This year we are offering workshop support. This includes: ensuring that you have the resources you need when you need them, and helping with time-keeping to ensure the smooth running of the programme. Support can also involve guidance or mentoring, and you are welcome to ask for help in planning, facilitating or evaluating your workshop.

When shall I send in my workshop proposal?

Please send in your proposals (one paragraph is enough) as soon as possible, so we can plan ahead and put up all the workshops to be offered on this website. Having the workshops online might inspire people to attend the conference or to give a workshop about something they didn’t think of before. If you register and pay before March 20, and you are willing to present a workshop, you will get a discount of € 10.

When will my workshop happen?

As usual, we will work out the workshop programme together on the arrival night. This ensures that we place very popular workshops so as to allow a maximum number of people to attend. Another reason why we do this all together is to give the workshop leaders the opportunity to arrange theirs in a way that works best for them. Workshop leaders get a “preference vote” in the arrangement of the schedule. Ideally, everyone offers a workshop and is a workshop leader!

What information shall I send?

To send in your workshop proposal (or if you have any questions), please mail us at with the following information:

Either send the above information by email or include it in your registration form.

Tips for workshop leaders (from the evaluation of EEEurope 2006)

What workshops have been offered so far for EEEurope 2007?

View the Workshops page to find the answer!

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