Submit the registration form on this page ->
Complete your registration by payment via PayPal / Revolut / Bank Transfer
The registration fee is €20 per person.
All payments are going towards a private account of one member from the Organising team. She makes regular updates on the budget and all movements of money are placed on a common Sheet, which can be shared, upon request.
For PayPal:
To purchase your ticket, simply use this PayPal link: PayPal Ticket Purchase. Here’s a quick guide:
- Click the “SEND” button.
- If you have a PayPal account, you can sign in
- Otherwise, you can pay via credit card
- Enter €20,00.
- In the “WHAT IS FOR” section, write:
EEE Virtual 2024_Your Name_Number of People
(e.g. “EEE Virtual 2024_ValentinaSandi_1 pax”)
- Choose “Family and Friends” if prompted.
- Select your payment method and click “SEND.”
- Within one week (please, be patient!) you’ll receive a confirmation email with your receipt.
For Revolut:
To purchase your ticket using the Revolut app, click this link: Revolut.
Or simply use Dana’s phone number: +40.755.017.016
For Bank Transfer:
If you want to make the payment using the classical method of bank transfer, we are happy to provide you the details below.
Euro account
Beneficiary: Daniela Borontis
IBAN: LT27 3250 0118 5446 9590
Bank Name: Revolut Bank UAB
Bank Address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania
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