— Scholarship Fund —

The Scholarship Fund was established at the EEEurope Conference in Caramulo, Portugal, in 2002. Its purpose is to encourage the participation of people living or working in Europe who are involved in experiential education but who cannot afford to attend the annual conference and who would benefit by taking part.

Every year a small amount of the participants’ fee is used to create the scholarships fund.

— Here is how it works —

  • the whole process is based on trust
  • there are limited places, so please ask for a scholarship if you really need it
  • the Fund is financed out of the conference fee paid by other participants
  • the Fund can award scholarships of up to 80% of the main conference fee
  • applicants should be willing and able ‘to share and contribute’ in English
  • applicants are asked to contribute by offering a workshop or to help the organisation
  • applicants should apply submitting the module on this page
  • applications will be read by a committee made up by people who have taken part in previous EEE conferences (please press on committee if you want to have more info about it)
  • decisions are usually made within two weeks

Application deadline is to be defined, but you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible (check this page in January again) in order to benefit from low cost travel as well as the chance to get a scholarship.

— Decision process —

Applications will be read and commented upon by the committee members (scholarship committee) within 2 weeks from the application. If necessary, you will be approached for extra information.

For any questions or doubts contact us.