The weather

The weather in Poland is officially called “changeable” so be prepared for anything. Normally May is warm and beautiful with spring unveiling its flowers but rain and cold (even snow) are still quite possible. So a rain-jacket and a warm sweater are a must; hat and scarf as well as solid hiking boots if you plan to take part in outdoor activities. There will be chance to go to SPA, so if you plan it, bring your swimming suit.

Please let us know, if you assume you might have a health issue or could need medical assistance (pills, etc.). We will inform you on site about the ways of medical support.

Other Special Needs

If you have any other special needs that we can help you with – let us know too. This includes any medical condition – especially for the Post Conference. No camping possible in the venue area. Please let us know if you are vegetarian and want to order vegetarian meals. This you can include in sign up form.

Law and fines
Speeding, false parking and travelling without a ticket on public transport is strictly observed in Poland. So watch out and be careful!