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final“It seems to me in Transylvania there is a combination of the natural ecosystem with a human cultural system. This extraordinarily unique integrated relationship is so hugely important. People are yearning for that sense of belonging and identity and meaning.”

(Prince Charles)

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We are looking forward to hosting the annual EEE conference in 2016 in Transylvania (Romania).


21-23 April Pre-conference
24-29 April Conference



Miercurea-Ciuc, Harghita county, Transylvania, Romania


We will do everything we can, to provide you unforgettable experiences during both the pre-conference and the conference.

In order to make this event successful we would like to ask you to help us by coming to it, bringing your enthusiasm, friendship and something to share (maybe a workshop).

Many thanks to all of you, who offered their help. We highly appreciate your gesture and will find a way to involve you during the conference itself.

The organizing team consisting of: Misi (Mihaly-Csongor Kocsis) and Istvan (Istvan Kerekes), is at your disposal for any further information and assistance.