logodefinitivo EEE Italy 2015 – DO UT DES – give to receive!

At EEE there are not conference themes. The people who come shape what the conference is about, under the broad and flexible banner of ‘experiential learning’. Our belief is that everyone who attends (whether ‘new’ or not) has something to share that others can learn from. This means that the workshops are provided by participants. There are no paid speakers.

ATTENTION PLEASE! Feel free to offer a workshop even if it is your first time at EEE. To propose your workshop you need to complete the signig up process. For your inspiration check the workshops offered last year at EEE Poland.

Here you see the workshops proposal for EEE Italy 2015:

First Name Last Name Workshop Title Workshop Description Max Min Where? Special needs or requirements
Tim Pearson Bridgewater, BoardThing and Boundaries This workshop starts now, as of Jan. 23. It is a MOOC. The link is: http://boardthing.com/board/54c211a6c51dfb6000001359
and is on Twitter at www.twitter.com/EEE2015_BBB hashtag: #BBBWe will explore Bridgewater Associates, a hedge fund with a unique learning culture that values Truth and Radical Transparency . . . and we will explore BoardThing, a digital whiteboard that is a virtual collaboration tool. We will push the Boundaries of time, space, and learning by creating a virtual and experiential workshop that runs from Jan. 23 to April 27. We will then share our insights in Italy and online. (You may participate as much or as little as you wish.) Welcome!
50 1 Indoor Internet/Wifi would be great, but I can be flexible. There does not need to be extra expense for WiFi.
Mark Davidson Understanding Coaching This workshop will explore what coaching is and how it works at a fundamental level.It will draw on the coaching paradigm developed in my forthcoming book, The Art of Common Sense.There will be:
• Several short presentations on different aspects of the coaching paradigm.
• Facilitated discussions to explore how this relates to participants’ understanding of coaching.
• An experiential exercise to help make the connection between the paradigm and the tackling of real challenges.
12 4 Indoor
Mark Davidson The Power of Listening This workshop will explore the power of simply listening, without even asking insightful questions.It will be based on the first of a series of workshop that I have developed for training new coaches.There will be:
• An introduction about the nature of the coach-coachee relationship; the effect of active listening; and the ability of coachees to find their own solutions to the challenges they face.
• A workshop situation where people take on the roles of coach and coachee.
• Facilitated discussions to draw out insights from people’s experience.
20 4
Zerrin Sütçü Healing With EFT Small introduction what EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is. Practice and Group work. 20 2 Indoor or Outdoor No
Jana Hinrichs TeamArt I would like to present my way of using One-Day-TeamArtProject as a TeamChallange in order to support the Teamgrowth as well as accompanying different themes in a group.Would like to share my way and discuss different views, opinions and ideas for further use and/or improvements.Needed Time: 3 hrs 8 3 Indoor or Outdoor no needs or requirements, I bring everything with me
Julie Dinesen The Cup Song The goal is to explore how many ways we can use The Cup Song, while working in groups.
I will intoduce The Cup Song (which is rythms with a cup!) and then we will try it out in many ways and reflect on the use of it within a Group.
AND if the participants like – We could as well offer a Cup Song Concert in the evening! Anybody can join in …. and I DO mean anybody!
Best Regards Julie 😉
100 5 Indoor Cups!
Lesley Greenaway Story Making for Evaluation In this workshop I want to share a method for making stories or case studies which you can use to show the impact or outcomes of what you do.This is practical story making in action where we will construct stories of experience and elevate them beyond description to include analysis and incites and the all important voices that need to be heard.I will also bring with me some examples of case studies that I have developed in this way as part of a range of different evaluation projects. 12 2 Indoor or Outdoor None – re the question below – my workshop can run at any time on any day 🙂
Leonardo FRONTANI 4 TRIBES WILL DECIDE This is a facilitation tool on decision taken by different perspectives.
We will experience the belonging to 4 different tribes, withtheir own symbols and believes, but also fear and expectations. How to manage a creative decision starting from 4 different points of view. It’s quite a game but a pretty successful tool for brain storming. We will give to participants a problem to solve connected with their own life: what about next EEE 2016 ?
20 8 Indoor I will provide myself.
Maria Costa Design Thinking Methodology In this 1h30m I would explore and learn together about the Design Thinking Methodology.
If there is someone expert on this methodology please step in 🙂
If not I will bring the instructions and materials and we will learn together.
1h 15 to explore
15 min to debrief the learning
20 6 Indoor no requirements, so far …
Bernd Rademaechers F.U.N.N. F unctional
U nderstanding
N ot
N ecessary (quotation: Karl Rohnke)My goal: FUN and Laughter and Consciousness by
60 minutes high speed and high spirit
30 minutes low speed, low voice and high energy in the group.We will use the LYCRA-scarf.
28 4 Outdoor none
Geoffrey Guy It’s More Than Just A Stick This workshop is based on some sessions I am currently running with a group of Primary School children in England.
The series of sessions aims to introduce young children to the use of knives in an outdoor setting for use in craft projects. Other objectives of the sessions include improving children grip strength, important for daily tasks, by providing opportunities for exercise using hand tools and Introducing children to the properties and uses of wood and natural materials. The sessions have a strong link to bushcraft and forest school style activities.
The workshop will introduce a number of different experiential activities to participants which they may be able to use in their own work.
10 5 Outdoor
Rolf Koerber Desater Situations As a follow up to Rogers Workshop on triumphs and desasters in Poland 2014, I’d like to propose a workshop about how to deal with desaster situation and make them productive for leadership training. The method will be Forum Theatre in the tradition of Augusto Boal. 18 6 Indoor or Outdoor All participants are invited to bring and share desaster situations.
Roger Greenaway Experiential learning in the workplace I will share some insights from Agile Games conferences. These are about how experiential learning is integrated into how people work in Agile organisations: the active part (such as games that improve work processes); the human dimension (valuing individuals and interactions); the commitment to learning (teams regularly reflect on how to become more effective). We will explore the extent to which experiential learning practices themselves can be (or have been) the takeaways from training – in any organisation. 20 1 Indoor or Outdoor
Julie Dinesen Coach As A Leader During the last year, I have done leadership development for the managers in the company I work. One tool in particular seems to make a lot of sense to the leaders, and that is: “Coach As A Leader” (my translation).In this workshop I will introduce the 4 steps in the coaching model, and then we will try it out i small groups before we do a reflection in plenum on learning points and ways to use it. 25 3 Indoor or Outdoor Flipboard & pens
Mihaly-Csongor Kocsis Thinking outside the square – teambuilding and team coaching activities A selection of funny and serious games and exercises (from getting-to-know each other, to icebreakers, warm ups and energizers, communication and cooperation, creativity and problem solving) threaded together “as pearls on a string”, which can be helpful in building, developing and coaching teams. The only materials used are sets of squares printed on pieces of paper or other different small square shaped items. 24 8 Indoor or Outdoor NO
Ralph Kolen Interactive presenting for large groups A lot of us work with small groups in our daily work. But sometimes we are asked to give a presentation about our specialities for a large group. In this workshop I let you experience and give you tools how you can achieve a professional and interactive presentation in 5 steps.1. Body language
2. Enthusiasm
3. Feeling confidence in front of a large group
4. Know the story not the presentation
5. Interaction with the audiance
10 1 Indoor
Dilek Polat Sesli MARKET-IN 45-60 minutes / A part of my job is to find fancy names for programs, market and sell them and even create “new” programs so that the client feels satisfied and buys our services. I would like to share how we run our marketing and selling and what kind of tools we use but would also be interested in how everybody else does. So, let’s all together have a look at MARKET-IN ! This would be more a brainstorming and sharing session for the ones who are interested on the commercial side of experiential learning. 10 4 Indoor or Outdoor no thanks
Jacek Skyski Skrzypczynski Think like Leonardo da Vinci Would you like to save some time, money or energy?
Would you like to innovate, invent, inspire?Come and learn a few methods that were used by the Italian Master. Incredibly, these methods are now used by coaches, for people in and out of organizations.Delivered by CTI/M.Goldsmith Professional Certified Coach by International Coach Federation.
24 12 Indoor would be nice to have a projector to show a short movie
several tables for separate 4-5 groups of 4 to 6 people.
Femke Gordijn Non-Violent Communication Dance Floor I will use a ‘dance floor’ based on the non-violent communication methodology to explore and walk you through a challenging situation. Dancing is a metaphor in this case 🙂 15 1 Indoor or Outdoor
Ralph Kolen tuition fee Most of us are intrepeneur and self employed and we like to talk about our achievements and success But we can learn the most about our mistakes and the mistakes from others. Thats what I call your “tuition fee”During this workshop we talk, cry and laugh about, and in the end we will learn from, our and others biggest mistakes as an entrepeneur. It took our money, so the least we can do is make a great story out of it !! 67 1 Outdoor a campfire
Brian Griggs Developing A-LIST-acity Revisiting lists as tools for adventure, achievement, activating strategy, self/team evaluation, increased adaptability, dreaming, documenting and creating buckets of stories. 16 4 Indoor or Outdoor
Jantje Hinze It is not only a book I want to offer a workshop in bookbinding. In EEE you can write down a lot of important and individual experiences. But in my opinion it is someting special to have a self made book. So I will offer you the experience of handcraft and the experience of the texture of paper. 15 1 Indoor or Outdoor
Frank Grant Sacred Journey in Nature a 3 hour journey through nature where we will us ancient rituals and sacred ceremonies to help us:
i)Connect with the inner spiritual self.
ii) Resolve inner trauma issues or barriers that is preventing positive forwards movement.
iii) Enjoy the healing power of Nature and the Natural Environment in silence.
iv) Celebrate ancestors and family (past & present).We will adopt the Silent Group Work approach (i.e. participants do not have to talk openly about whatever it is that they are dealing with whilst on this Journey). The workshop will involve (in no specific order):-
Pocket Spirit Stones; Tacky Talk; Silent Group Work; Nature’s Doorway; String Connection; Water Ceremony OR Fire Ceremony (if we are allowed a fire at the venue); Messages using Nature as postman; Words on the Wind and a celebration of our ancestors
20 1 Outdoor would be nice to have running water nearby – stream or river, plenty of trees, and natural environment.
Luk Peeters ‘Pausing’ as a taste-bringing method to enrich the Adventure Experience This workshop will explore the effect of slowing down or even pausing during the midst of an adventure activity as a way to heighten the experience and the learning outcomes of our different program elements. During the workshop we will engage ourselves in some experiments, transfer our findings to our own area of work and our proper methodologies and develop a rationale behind this approach. 113 2 Indoor or Outdoor a big enough room or a secluded place outside (no disturbances)
TobiasThomas KamerHofstetter Good Decisions – decision-making and risk management in outdoor and experimental education The workshop will present different strategies and methods for risk-management for activities with groups in more or less challenging outdoortrainings.
We will mainly focus on three approaches originating from adventure safety and avalanche research, now widely accepted for safety- and risk-management.
We will discuss how these findings can be utilized beyond risk-management for planning and performing workshops and trainings.
Furthermore we will perform outdoor activities where you can test your own risk-behavior.
12 4 Depending on wheather conditions partly indoor or outdoor
Stephanie Püttker Respectful Behaviour from an Intercultural View: Orientation for Facilitators I assume that most of us would consider their general approach as facilitator or coach as respect-oriented or benevolent and that all of you could give me a list of examples of appreciative behaviour.
But what impact may our behaviour in all conscience have on training participants or coachees from other cultures?
My workshop offers active and theoretic spotlights and reflection on cultural dynamics and dimensions with the objective to rise the awareness for our own and foreign ways of behaviour (as facilitator) and to give you some stimuli and orientation to wider your own interpretation range.
30 10 Indoor 1 Flip-Chart
Dirk De Vilder group development : a soap opera In this workshop we will work with an integrated groupdevelopment model. By using the experience of the participants we will live,feel and experience the model and discuss the role of the experiential facilitator in faciliating the groupdevelopment..
3 hrs.
20 5 Indoor flipchart
Dirk De Vilder Zoom an activity to work inside ( I always use it when the weather is louzy)
I propose to try it out. Its a great activty to work on teamwork/ leadership/teamcoaching.
Time : 1.30h.
8 20 Indoor no
Siebner AMFOLESU This is an experiment. I’ve never done it before, and I don’t know if it works at all. Maybe it’s boring, maybe exciting. But it will take 1.5 hrs 18 6 Indoor or Outdoor
Andersen Constellation Constellation

Find out more about a goal, preventions and resources with the help of people, questions and nature.

Get to know a bit about constellation and try it out.

20 3 Indoor or Outdoor no
Kern The Leonardo bridge The Leonardo bridge is a bridge design that is suprising in its simplicity.

We use the idea as the bases for an experiencial group cooperation task.
You as a group will be given some materials and the task to build a bridge with it.
We will do and of course reflect.
Afterwords we are going to have a discussion about the activity and how to use it with different groups.
Its obviously best if you dont know the exercise or the princible because then you can participate as a “normal ” participant. How ever you are also wellcome if you know the activity and maybee even use it yourself.
In this case you will have to stand with a knowing smile through the first part of the workshop…:-)

12 4 Outdoor none

Be an active participant at EEE Italy 2015,

offer a workshop and create your “knowledge exchange”!